Friday, August 29, 2008

Perhaps you are unaware you want to be the grad rep...

That's right! You want to be a grad rep!

Why? Well, how about being part of all the great changes the GSS is winning for our members?

In the past few years, the GSS has won some significant victories:
-payment of tuition in installments
-creation of an english as a second language thesis writing group
-reduction of fee unit requirement for one year programs (ie less tuition)
-worked with other grad students in BC to win the creation of a BC Grad Scholarship program

Grad reps, who are elected in each department and meet monthly at the GSS, have been part of all this. Grad reps also help with all major governance decisions at the GSS: do we renovate the kitchen? do we borrow money to do it? Do we build our own darn superconducting supercollider for Tayfun? Its up to the reps, man.

So think about getting involved. Make sure the problems faced in your department are being addressed. Learn from other departments about how to make your department cooler. (ie. Economics has pet fish. Do you??)

Oh, and btw there is pizza (or other food) at the meetings and we are having a grad rep social one hour into our first meeting Sept 30.

So... now you know. YOU want to run for grad rep and be the coolest grad in your department! Here's how:

Monday, August 25, 2008

TVs for sale!

TVs made redundant by renovation are up for best offer. First priority is any grad student group or department that can make use of these TVs. If such a need exists, the TV can be provided for free. Failing that, its best offer at Friday, March 29th. email me at gssmgr [-at-]

Monday, August 11, 2008

Has UVIC just elected its last chancellor?

Murray Farmer was just elected as UVIC's new chancellor in July.
According to the Ring, 3838 members of convocation voted. Convocation includes UVic alumni, current and former Board of Governor and Senate members, UVic current and retired faculty, staff who have worked at UVIC for 12 months and hold a university degree,

But if the BC government gets its way, Farmer will be the last UVIC chancellor who is elected by convocation. Deep in the University Amendment Act 2008, bundled in with the creation of about a billion new universities all at once, lies the amendment to make the Chancellor appointed rather than elected.

The Chancellor will be appointed thus:

(1) There must be a chancellor of each university, who is to be appointed by the board on nomination by the alumni association and after consultation with the senate or, in the case of the University of British Columbia, after consultation with the council.

(1.1) The chancellor holds office for 3 years and after that until a successor is appointed.
Granted, you could argue the Chancellor is a figure head. But he or she also represents the University all around the world, confers degrees, and is an ex-officio member of BOG and Senate. The right to elect the person who plays that role gives the convocation the ability to decide the "face" of UVic.

I do wonder what the motivaton is. It's not as if no one participates--3838 people just voted at UVIC at the peak of summer holidays! And it certainly seems like we have had excellent people elected in past. So what exactly needs fixing?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Big thing gets moved

I think this is some kind of venting system for the grill.