These consultations are a simple way to let the federal government know what you think of federal funding for graduate study and the role of graduate study in the economy.
- Investing in the granting councils
- Investing in international grad students in Canada
- Invest in innovative skills training for grad students and post docs
- Invest in post docs.
The OECD has all manner of statistics on the impact of education, research and development and how Canada's funding ranks compared to other OECD nations.
OECD study on education funding. (Tertiary education is post secondary education, but doesn't break down between a bachelors, masters and PhD).
The OECD database is searchable on many subjects, so you can search for data on our priorities in science and engineering, health, environment, business, education, and doctoral graduates, depending on your interest.
For example:
- Defence: Canada 3.2% OECD 31.8%
- Health & Environment: Canada 22.7% OECD: 17.5%
- Economic Development: Canada 25.8% OECD 15%
- General University Funds: Canada 33.3% OECD 16.1%
- Non-oriented: Canada 7.7% OECD 11.3%
- Other Canada 7.3% OECD 8.4%
... but remember that Canada spends less than the OECD average (govt appropriations as % of GDP) on research and development:
Spending on R&D as % of GDP (2010): Canada .61% OECD average .75%