Wednesday, November 28, 2007

mmmm chocolate beer!

Hiya its winter so (hurrah!) chocolate beer is on tap at the Grad Lounge (IQ Bistro).
Check out this Quirks and Quarks (CBC Science radio show) about chocolate beer---

qq-2007-11-17_03-Chocolate Beer

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Open Hours for Grad Students

The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society


An Open House for UVic Graduate Students


Thursday, December 6, 2007, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Sedgewick Building, Vandekerkhove Wing, Room B102


  • Student Fellowship Information
  • Research and Publishing Opportunities
  • Refreshments
  • Students from All Disciplines Welcome

Information: 721-6325/ /


Monday, November 19, 2007

Michael Byers speaks at UVic

"Canada is one of the most powerful countries in the world."

It's not how we're used to hearing ourselves described, but Dr. Michael
Byers makes a powerful case that Canada has clout, and needs to use it for
peace, the environment and global justice.

Byers is speaking November 22 at UVIC about the themes in his recent book,
Intent for a Nation: What is Canada For?

Byers is the Canada Research Chair in Global Politics and International
Law at UBC, and is the author of several books, including "War Law:
Understanding International Law and Armed Conflict". His most recent,
"Intent for a Nation: What is Canada For?", examines everything from
prisoner transfers by the Canadian army in Afghanistan to how climate
change is thawing the ice of the Northwest Passage, and changing the geo
politics of the north. Despite the subject matter, Byers has been
described as "relentlessly positive" in his assertion that Canada has the
ability to effect change.

Event information:
Thursday, November 22, 2007, 7pm
Fraser (Law) Building Room 159
University of Victoria
Free and open to the public

view event on facebook

Monday, November 5, 2007

Transit campaign picks up speed

A new blog featuring campaign information regarding transit in Victoria can be found here:

make sure to check out transit events this week. Check out or the blog above for info on the events.